
Me. Andrew Stephen Cebulka. Earthling. Photographer. Artist. Man. Person that really loves life… a lot


15 things about me

  1. I was born in Delaware and can personally attest that it is not located in Maryland, has actually more to do than be a place one quickly drives through, and produces one of the BEST crab cakes that I have ever encountered. oh and is the home of DOGFISH HEAD. ’nuff said.
  2. I am primarily a digital photographer for all commercial work and explore a range of film systems for personal work; instax, project impossible polaroids, fuji pull aparts, 35mm, medium format….ok, ok, I get it, my therapist is right, I have a problem.
  3. I love Music… my mornings start with Stan Getz The Girl from Ipanema, then I roll into some Black Keys/Kendrick Lamar, I mellow with some Sigur Ros and end the day with sounds of a bit of Dinah Washington, mixed with a touch of Phoenix, rounded out by some rustling Avett Brothers or Louis Armstrong.
  4. You may have figured it out on the last one that I worked in restaurants for a while… yes, yes I did. Would you like that up or on the rocks?
  5. I spend free time foraging wild mushrooms… no not the kind that makes you see things, rather the kind that Whole Foods charges lots of dollars for that just so happen to grow in the backyard. Conspiracy… I think NOT!
  6. I am lighthearted. I prefer to smile than frown, laughing til it hurts, taking a deep breath then doing it all over again.
  7. If I could live anywhere in the world right now… Mal Pais/Santa Teresa Costa Rica, great waves, great food, great fun, plus the drive in is INSANE and worth the fear and laughter. Or somewhere in Italy, gosh this country has my heart.  Drive fast as hell then chill for a 3 hour lunch.  Im in!
  8. I often go on adventures with my Daughter who is a future Madame President, and one of the best persons to visit a candy store with.  Sorry dentists, we ignore you, though floss daily!
  9. Presently absorbing Game of Thrones, I know, late to the game, but dang, Daenaerys is my spirit animal and Tyrion is my ego.  Oh and Arya is bees knees bad to the A.
  10. Nature, Botticelli, Guy Bourdin, Jesus Christ, Da Vinci, Alphonse Mucca, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Richard Avedon, Bruce Weber and My Family are some of my favorites sources for inspiration.
  11. I like to eat Goldfish. I like Goldfish in the Am. I like Golfish in the Pm. I like Goldfish when I drive. I like Goldfish when reading Braille. I like Goldfish, oh yes I do. By the box, not Bag mind you….Seuss nod….nailed it!
  12. I love animals, except the kind that surprise you when you are foraging and have the ability to seriously ruin your day (yeah that’s right, I am talking to you Mr. Rattlesnake and Mrs Black Widow).
  13. I consider myself an Earthling.
  14. I am an Aquarian. Not sure what it means, though when I tell people that seem to know these things what I do and how I think, they say “yeah you’re an Aquarian” and give me these kind of odd eyes… like is he going to fly away or did he notice I just passed gas or something like that. Oh sorry, I have a little Girl now, tooted or as Siena says, go “boom-boom”. true story.
  15. I love to stop and smell the roses, literally. Flowers always brighten my day so I prefer to have them all around me. My favorite right now are wild flowers, because their beauty is of the moment and often free.


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